Margins question

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Joined: Tue May 05, 2020 4:52 pm

Margins question

Post by venom4728a »

I see in the manual where we can use the default margins Yes/No option.

I will be using the Retro Printer with my Atari 8bit computer, probably my 16 bit too but primarily my 8bit. Nearly all of the printers from that era were tractor feed dot matrix using fan fold paper.

1) The user would set the print head height a certain distance off the top of the paper aka the start print position. It might be 1/4inch oe 3/8 inch. You usually had to print out a test page to know exactly how the print was going to turn out then you would know ok using software X I set the start position at X off the top of the sheet and the software took care of all formatting after that, counting how many lines had been printed it knew when a new page would start, It would throw in CR/LF to start at the same point on the second and every additional sheet.

2) The Retro Printer has its own margins that are not adjustable, those margins are going to be added on top of any softwares attempt to format the page. So When my software adds in a a few CR/LF to align the second/third/fourth sheet the default margins are also going to be added meaning each sheet will start further and further down the page.

3) Mimic Fan Fold paper would require a Zero mm Top and bottom margins

How does everyone else make up for the default margins?

I was thinking it might be nice to have:

1) Adjust the start position(top margin) on the first printed page.
2) User adjustable top and bottom margins on every page after the first page from zero to XX mm
3) User adjustable left and Right margins.

Does anyone know of a way to deal with this?

Best Regards
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